Friday, May 9, 2014

Writers Block Go Away!

The moment I started thinking about these amazing characters and story was the moment that writers block hit me. For the past 2-3 years, I haven't really been able to write much. Most have been short little stories in hopes of getting myself to write something longer, but nothing worked. For the longest time, I could think about nothing but these characters and setting and realized that the story I loved for so long really didn't have much of a plot to it at all.

The last couple years have been a struggle of me moving away and then back to these characters in hope of giving them a decent story some day. Nothings worked though. I've finally reached the point where I miss writing entirely too much and have decided to push those characters into my shoe box where I keep all of my other ideas that I swear I'll get back to late. (I really might!)

I've hidden away everything and decided to start completely on a blank slate. So of course the first thing I went out and did was buy a notebook (I'm better at hand writing, the on the computer. Too many distractions) Its just a regular 70 page notebook. I remember I used to be able to fill one of these bad boys out from beginning to end. I also got myself a pinterest. There's just something about making a board for your story that completely motivates me.

So here's to hopefully kicking writes block in the butt!


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