Sunday, August 3, 2014

Hello August, why is it still so hot?

It's never cold in Florida, not really. We have Summer and then about one month of cooler temperatures at some point between November and February. I hope one of these days I can see all four seasons.

I've started saving up for a car and so far its going well. It's nice actually having money right now. I'm also planning on going back to school, though at the moment I'm not sure which one I want to go too. I've been studying at Valencia for a while before I decided to take a break since I had no clue what I even wanted to study. Now I do, but they don't have to program that I want, where as in Seminole, they do have a course for Humanities and still offer the direct connect to UCF. Only thing is the closest Seminole campus is still pretty far away from my house and I don't want to do online classes. Luckily I still have until December to decide what I want to do.

Work has been going pretty great, though not as well as we had hoped. They are cutting back on hours like crazy which I don't really mind, but at the same time it does suck. At least I'm still getting hours.

Another great thing that's happened is that I started Supernatural. My friend has been telling me about this show for years, and I have seen a couple episodes before and they had been good, I just never really knew much about what was happening. I finally started from season one and I can't believe I've waited this long to get into this show.

This is just to great and I'm slowly dying from all the emotions it makes me feel, plus my paranoia is completely shot and every little sound I hear is a ghost or a demon now. I don't know why I do this to myself, but I don't care.

With all the paranormal stuff going on in the show, made my realize just how much I love this genre and brought me back to when me and my friend visited BAM and I found myself in the New Age area. I've been telling myself I will write something about witches and magic and maybe even demons, vampires and every other things that goes bump in the night for the longest time now, but about five seconds after I make this decision, I go back and say I'm not ready or my idea doesn't have enough to actually start this. So for the past two weeks, I've been tentatively doing some research and reading more stuff in the genre as well as watching more shows about it.

I've got an idea, nothing big yet, but it's a reason to write this out. I have my main character and I have what sets the entire story into motion and keeps it moving. I haven't actually started writing anything down. It's all in my head at the moment slowly making itself more and more real.

Hopefully, if I keep going the way I am, I'll be able to actually start planning on actual paper soon.


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